
Blum Tandem Plus Blumotion Narrow Drawer Locking Device

Concealed runner made in the USA with domestic and European components. Build custom solutions that allow you to get the most out of your space. TANDEM glides are versatile, making a solution for a range of storage needs from deep and wide drawers, specialized pantry storage to custom corner options. Since the runners are concealed under the drawer, they never interfere with style or design.

Vertical mount locking device used to minimize sub-front splitting. Captive right device and self-aligning left device and self-adjusting drawer length tolerance. Steel base with synthetic, spring-loaded release levers. Minimum inside drawer width 170 (6-11/16in), height adjustment of plus 3 (1/8in), side-to-side adjustment of plus/minus 1.5 (1/16in) and a minimum sub-front thickness 16 (5/8in). Designed for 13 (1/2in) drawer bottom recess


Brand Blum
Product Type Locking Device